Your work accident insurance. It works in a simple way. In the event of death or total professional disability, the compensation includes an initial payment and a monthly payment for the following 10 years. In addition, you have additional coverage such as travel assistance and home assistance.

The Renta 80 Accident Insurance is a renewable annual insurance policy, which is intended to protect the insured 24 hours a day and anywhere in the world. In the event of Accidental Death and Total Professional Disability, the compensation includes an initial payment and a monthly income.


  • By your side 24 hours a day.
  • Optional health expenses, you choose the option to contract.
  • Expansion of family protection by incorporating part of the compensation in the form of income.
  • At an affordable price of €80 per year without health expenses, approximately €155 with health expenses.
  • Interesting additional services and complementary coverage.
  • Predetermined guarantees and insured amounts.
  • Simplicity in contracting, it is not necessary to determine the insured amount.
  • Revaluation of insured amounts based on the CPI.